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Referral Management Service (RMS)

Managing referrals for
First Outpatient Appointment.

WASP’s Referral Management Service (RMS) is integrated with both the National eRS and the local PAS/EPR to provide a range of facilities to manage the referral process for First Outpatient Appointments at a Provider site.


Referral Capture:

 Integrates with eRS to download all Referrals/Bookings (including attachments) in digital form (Direct Appointment Booking (DAB), Referral Assessment Service (RAS), Appointment Slot Issue (ASI) and Advice & Guidance (A&G)


 Captures all referrals from any source sent in whatever form (letter, e-mail, self-referral etc.)


 Consolidates all referrals into a single service and manages subsequent workflows


 Web based forms for capturing referral data direct 
from referrer


 Protocol based referrals providing clinical support to referrer defining service, priority and alternatives to a traditional OP appointment.


Referral Processing:

 Integrates with PAS/EPR to log referral and report on Key Performance Indicators


 Forwards referral for clinical triage based on specialty, service and/or named consultant


 Waiting List Management/Partial Booking/Appointment Booking services


Clinical Engagement:

 Clinicians access all their referral through their usual EPR Clinical Screen irrespective of source – no requirement to access eRS/Smartcards.


 All notes/triage content stored against referral and saved within electronic patient record 


 “Clinic List” provides easy access to all referral content whilst in clinic.


 All referrals immediately available within Patient Record to show all departments active referrals – particularly relevant in A&E/ED.

Appointment Booking:

 Integration with Patient Tracking Lists


 Patient Engagement Services utilising digital communications and traditional post/phone


 Integration with PAS/EPR to utilise existing schedules


 Patient facilities to book their own appointment based on single use “digital token”.


 Patient facilities to cancel and reschedule existing appointments


 Patient appointment reminders and confirmation


 Pre-appointment form completion


 Patient Information Services for general use and clinic specific details


 Integrates with Patient Portal services



• Massive reduction in administrative overheads through the integration with eRS and PAS/ePR


• Improved Clinical engagement as referrals are easily accessed for both triage and in clinic – usually high dependence of Medical Secretaries/printing to manage current processes


• Consolidates all referrals into one place so they do not get lost – improving performance and patient safety.


• Allows for reporting services to audit performance of referral process and any element(s) /areas of good (and bad) performance


• Integrates with EPR and EDMS, eliminating the need for paper records in clinic


• Provides facilities to optimise referral process to reduce OP waits and improve reporting capabilities

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